Hi Cindy, I see that your Sedona Workshop is full and that you are planning a Workshop in Albuquerque !! Congratulations !!! - quoting you from Facebook " I used to get really worried and anxious, but Creator always makes things work out perfectly, and so now I just get excited ! " This Excitement and this Joy emanates from you at your workshops. It's infectious ! Yes, I know eighteen years later... but it's so wonderful to behold and be a part of. You make it feel fresh, vital, fun, important... all at the same time. Thank you for sending the attachments...Drum Gratitude, Drum Care, The Plant People... etc. I find his sort of Insight, Teaching, Direction from you to be very, very powerful. I feel the same way regarding the meditations on your website. One of the reasons why I am a bit tardy in responding to your request for reflection and suggestion... how to make your workshops better... is that I really do not have any suggestions. If I was participating in your workshop, creating a Sacred Drum and Sacred Drum Beater... I personally would highly value your Teachings as a Medicine Person... such as mentioned above. As a student I would love the opportunity to listen to ( since we could not play our drums just yet ) a Heartbeat rhythm...live or recorded, a guided drum meditation, the story of The Plant People, the story of Tail Feather Woman. In my anticipation of writing you regarding this, there is my sensing and knowing you chose not to share this aspect of Sacred Drum with this particular group for a reason. I understand that you do not facilitate each workshop the same way. Your Knowledge, your Love, your Passion, your Understanding of Sacred Drum is unlike anyone I have ever known personally. I have been participating in this sort of Drumming for quite some time. The Wisdom that you possess is incredibly special. Perhaps you already offer gatherings ( that I am unaware of ) where this sort of information, experience and Love can be shared... drumming together with intention by, from, and with Cindy. If you do offer this sort of experience as class, or as a workshop, or as a gathering... please let me know. If not... I humbly suggest that you consider doing so. Sitting here, writing to you, seeing and feeling in my body the memory of that Workshop with you is sooo thrilling. Thank you Cindy !!